Best Software house in Rawalpindi.

Best Software house in Rawalpindi.

Best Software house in Rawalpindi.

The software company Sol Freaks has an ambitious strategy to add 100 more designers . Three of the applicants have been added to the current team of twenty experts in software that is located primarily within Rawalpindi. This "venture", as Sol Freaks founder Boro Andonovski calls it, is likely to be difficult to manage the large team, but before that the hundreds of highly skilled and experienced developers need to be identified.

"In actual fact, during the whole process of securing the 100 developers from Sol Freaks, the biggest issue will be identifying the best candidates to fill the position at the an  Software House in Rawalpindi. " The amount of applicants won't be a problem as there is certainly an interest. "To our delight after just two hours of the announcement on social media, we've been able to receive more than twenty CVs" According to Andonovski.

The company was established in 2009 Sol Freaks is a software company located in Rawalpindi that develops everything from web-based and mobile applications to solutions for businesses. Sol Freaks has more than 50 customers from diverse countries, aswell with a range of own products, of which Spartan is one of the best in its own SoC Linux system for monitoring and detecting problems in difficult locations like drains, plumbing and more . Additionally, Horeko is a cutting-edge kitchen management software that is utilized in the hospitality and medical industries. However, according to Andonovski. Andonovski, as well as the team of Macedonian developers are most pleased of the Promotion In Motion promotion system which was awarded the Mobile Excellence Award at the MASIT ICT Awards 2014.

"Sol Freaks" has grown each year over the last five years. This growth, in addition to the growing amount of developers, also involves the growth of the expertise of the firm as along with the number, size and importance of its customers. "It it is the shift in the number of clients and projects that result in the need for developers. "

While programming is a lucrative profession , it's mainly due to the high demand and the financial benefits The best earn the most whatever the number of thousands or hundreds of developers, they'll need to be able to do their task. This isn't only for self-assured Sol Freaks, but also for all the Rawalpindi-based software firms that are competing with each other to attract (and retain) the best talent.

"It's difficult, and sometimes unfair to generalize. Every field has experts that are equipped to overcome any obstacle they encounter. Macedonian developers are no exception. "What is distinctive is that the field has been gaining a lot of recognition and now we face an enormous influx of young and less experienced developers who aren't necessarily up to the challenge," stated the developer Mr. Hashim Sultan.


  • Software House in Rawalpindi